CNN report Chinese Navy testing USA

That's months ago when China was retreating all her workers in Libya, CNN said Chinese is testing Japan and US, but look at the map at 1:06, the Chinese Navy were just cruising in front of her door, and Hawaii are tens of thousands miles away. California is on the opposite side of the globe, how could Chinese Navy test USA cruising in front of its own door?

The anchor look like a Vietnamese speaking English with an Indian accent, CNN is making use of everything they know to provoke hatreds among Asian countries.

Chinese arrived Mediterranean hundreds of years ago according to a book written by Gavin Menzies called "1421":

"The 1418 map has this description: “There is a huge city here built with stone, the dimensions of stones can be compared to those used in tombs of the Qin dynasty Emperor.” The volume of Emperor Qin’s pyramid tomb and the volume of the Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid at Giza are about the same—Qin’s has a larger base area, while Khufu’s is higher. The Map of Southwest Maritime Countries, from Zheng He’s era, also describes the Egyptian Pyramids.

So Egypt was not a new frontier to Zheng He: his forebears had been traveling there for centuries. They had reached Cairo through the shallow Red Sea–Nile canal, which Zheng He’s smaller junks would have used as well. From Cairo, the Mediterranean—and southern Europe—were well within reach."


  1. Unfortunately, it was ... yes, a God of your older ancestors ... shining through, but me can not follow, as attitude from old Tito´s countries war - I C 3 custudianers, dressed in strange uniforms - more orange ... like thoise who take garbage in Western C.
    sides of Globe use to dress when waork and watching towards viewers like me ... that probably very rare in those days, as all watch just football (so we used also to call) ... me watch back to custoses , while one part of my eye-orbite - rmy right eye on that extremely good , perfectly well done (could have been only worky and beautiful people of your sort who made it , hard work is that work of scultpors... necesary many hands forto make it that lovingly good - and , do not forget - Africa has only Kilimandhjaro- mountain that is not sand, grass on low territories, and gold inside the continent - this was not from Gold - but shined even better ! ) so one custos adds :"WE do not know how they used it !" and me almost started laugh instantly - so that they suddenly cut of program - as if with it finished, as I watvching back - like "how you mean THAT ?HOW YOU MEANT -THAT- ? " IN IRAN IS PLENTY OF URAN = BLACK STONE ! THAT WAS LIKE ONYX X- YES - BUT SOMETHING HARDER THAN ONYX ! AND THAT - ASK THOSE FROM MECCA - WHAT IS THAT STONE MADE OF - AND DO NOT FORRGET - PLEASE - IN ANAME OF CHINA ME ASKING THIS - TO NOT FORGET THAT CHINA WAS WHOLE WORLD PROBABLY ! IS THAT I THINK HOMO SAPIENS CAN BE ONLY CHINESAE ! PLUS = ONLY RACE OF HUMANS THAT WAS MILLION AT LEAST YERAS LONGER PROLONGING EVOLUTION AS STILL LIVES ALMOST ALL FIVE BILLIONS OF THOSE WHOM I CONSIDER CHINESE OR ALMOST THE SAME = ON THIS PLANET - I KNOW - AM LONG TRAVELING IN MY MIND THROUGH BOOKS AND VARIOUS OTHER INFORMATIONS COLLECTED - YOUR EYES - CLOSE FROM PROTECTING THE MOST VULNERABLE BY HUMANS PART WHEN SWIMING OR LIVING VERY CONNECTED WITH SEA-LIFE ... made .... yopu are my frined, Thank You ! lets C how you accepot this news .

  2. a huge , made of stone - black , dark, with dark blue shine , like hair of Chinese people ... stone - cultural herotage (that they in Berlin - "conserving It !" they said on Tv with those words ! Lingham (Lingam ! :-) sounds very chinese to me that - other than Indian folks also know the name !

  3. China, you forgot your Manitoo ! Big Manitoo ! In one children-book I found - Indians of North America belived that all around is Manitoo, the way it is in humans, but mostly Mountain ... not just rivers, not just that what others think - "food!"

  4. no, not a Schwarzfood ... black foot Indiands or symilar insults !
